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Isabel Hildesheim,
Ecology and Evolutionary Biology PhD Student
University of Tennessee Knoxville

Isabel Hildesheim
PhD Student
Graduate Student,
Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, UTK
Advisor: Dr. Jessica Budke
Aug. 2023 - Present
Undergraduate Student
B.S., Biology, Roanoke College
Advisor: Dr. DorothyBelle Poli
Aug. 2016 - May. 2020
Summa Cum Laude
Phi Beta Kappa National Honors Society
Roanoke College Honors
Research Interests ​include bryology, ecophysiology, botany, and ecology.

Dr. Jessica Budke
Associate Professor & Herbarium Director (TENN)
Ph.D., University of Connecticut, 2011
M.S., University of Connecticut, 2005
B.S., Miami University, 2003

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